Emulsion composition washing off the oils НЭК, based on СНК-1 reagent.
- Improving injectivity of input wells;
- Improving the quality and oil-wishing-off properties of the injected water;
- Cleaning the bottom-hole zone of the asphaltic and paraffin deposits.
Component reagent
- СНК-1 reagent;
- water
Basic Properties
- The low boundary tension on the border with oil;
- High oil-washing-off properties;
- Simplicity and reliability of preparation and injection
Injection Volume
The injection volume averages between 5 and 10 m3 for 1 m of effective thickness. Recommended concentration averages between 1 and 5%
- Pump truck;
- Portable UDR-32M and analogues;
- Road tank car AC-10;
- Equipment for tying the hole fittings