Abandonment and Isolation
Wells Abandonment and Isolation
These are the most labor-consuming types of workover. In case of emergencies and complications during squeeze cementing, there is a need to carry out lengthy and costly restoration, the consequence of non-compliance of which may be physical abandonment of the well.
One of the reasons, significantly complicating the process of wells operation, is the quality of the long-term well casing, as well as productive formations segregation. Uneven watering is found out in the wells, which exploit heterogeneous layers. Water enters the most thin and permeable reservoir intervals. The main obstacle is the limitation of water flow to the bottom of the hole, which limits the efficiency of field development and oil extraction.
Disintegration of the production casing may occur due to the certain factors:
- insufficient casing control;
- screw connections;
- Procedural violations during run-in-hole operations;
- Their cementing;
- hydromechanical impact on metal and cement stone
SNK’s main aim is to ensure optimal conditions for the development of the productive formation, maintenance of wells performance. The company has all the required equipment and experience in squeeze cementing of wells.
The company performs the abandonment and isolation of the casing, as well as the removal of behind casing leak by performing a set of measures:
- Casing patch;
- Fixing of leaking cement ring;
- Shutting down of interval zones and some formations
- Building-up of the cement ring.
The result of the enhanced oil recovery and oil extraction is:
- water inflow isolation;
- the elimination of the annular kicks;
- cement stone restoration.