Removal of asphaltic-resinous and paraffin deposits:
- in wellbores;
- in bottom zone;
- in flow lines;
- in oil gathering collectors, etc.

Basic properties
- High efficiency resolution of precipitate;
- Does not emulsify with reservoir oil;
- Low interfacial tension at the interface with water;
- Does not influence negatively on oil gathering and treatment system.
Injection Volumes
The volume of injected solvent averages between 0.6 and 1 m3 per 1 m of perforated thickness
- Pump truck,
- Hydraulic manipulator for loading and unloading of the reagent,
- Equipment to tie the well reinforcement.
Application Technology
- Injection of the solvent into well;
- Flushing with water;
- 8-12 hours delay for response;
- Well completion.