The Purpose
- Disabling of the depleted reservoir intervals;
- Elimination of the interstratal flows and flows behind the casing;
- Isolation of bottom water
Component Reagents
- Synergistic polymer composition VEC-2,
- Crosslinker,
- Water

Main Properties
- High selectivity of filtering;
- Adjustable gel time;
- High strength characteristics of the gel;
- Gel stability up to 100 °C;
- Possibility of destruction by chemical methods
Injection Volume
The optimum amount of the compound is calculated using the program, named "Calculation of injection volumes of gelling agents for water shutoff".
- Portable APZR-P,
- Pump truck,
- Equipment for tying hole fittings;
- Hydraulic manipulator for loading and unloading
Application Technology
Injection of the composition;
- Flushing with water;
- Keeping the well under pressure during gelation process;
- Placing the well on production