Oil Wells Repair and Construction

Repair of wells wells is an essential condition to ensure the facilities full operation in oil and gas industry. A malfunction of the main wells is caused by many reasons, leading to a significant reduction in its flow rate or to a full shutdown of its operation. Production reduction or shutdown can be caused by failure of surface or underground equipment, changes in reservoir conditions, the shutdown of gas or power supply, stop of the pumping, transportation of liquids to the surface other factors.
Therefore, a prompt repair of wells is necessary to prevent the equipment from the downtime. The frequency and the relative duration of the overhaul are estimatedwith some indicators that characterize the organization and technology of oil production.
SNK company carries out a full range of wells repair works, which are divided into maintenance and overhaul, depending on the complexity and nature:
Wells Maintenance
- Provision by special equipment, when placing a well on production
- Conversion of oil well to another way of use
- Cleaning and washing the bottom and the wellbore
- Flowing wells repair (checking, replacement, hydraulic-pressure test, sealing and restoration of wellhead equipment).
- Performance optimization (improving the depth of the suspension; and changing rod pump and ESP size);
- Repair of gas wells equipped with ESP, EPCP, EDP
- Assembling the wells are equipped with rope pump (checking and replacement of the pump, the elimination of rods separation; change, hydraulic-pressure test, sealing; change of the polished rod, cleaning and steaming; wellhead treatment).
Wells Overhaul
- Set-up and Insulation
- Sealing of the Casing
- Elimination of Accidents Occurred during wells Servicing or Operation
- Insulation of Productive Horizons with a Return to Higher and Lower Horizons, Zonal Isolation
- The Implementation or Removal of Packer-Strippers
- Complex or Drilling Activities
- Wells Survey
- Additional Surface Treatment of Bottom-Hole Zone
- Conservation/re-entry of wells
- Wells Transition to Operation in Different Purposes
- Abandonment of wells, including with the installation of liquidating plugs