Shipping of Goods and Materials

SNK company conducts service works on a year-round basis, according to the organization's needs in certain types of goods and materials. It is necessary to be pre-qualified to participate in the tender.
Punctual delivery of materials and equipment is the key to productive operation of facilities, their installation and construction.
All competitive procurement of material and equipment by SNK are conducted exclusively through the electronic trading platform of the Company.
SNK practices the competitive selection of goods/service/works suppliers according to the preliminary announced terms of documentation, in a strictly specified time. Adherence to the principle of competition and fairness brings the greatest economic benefit to customers, and a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation to the company.
The openness of the procurement procedure by expanding the range of its participants is the advantage of modern tender.
Materials and equipment supply and SNK’s participation in the tender are performed in the following order:
- submission of a bid;
- a list of nomenclature (unit price);
- these forms are required and are to be provided as a hard copy (or in scanned form). The documents alteration without the prior consent to the Company in writing is not permitted;
- the list of documents of the organization (the bidder):
- the charter (if any changes, their registration is mandatory);
- terms of office of the Executive body of the legal entity;
- memorandum of association;
- the list of shareholders;
- certificate from Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- a certificate of registration with a tax authority;
- a document certifying the authority of the signer (election/proxy protocol);
- A certificate from Federal Tax Service Inspectorate indicating the absence of debts to the budget;
- documents on the appointment of the general director (the order), and all related documents (passport details, phone numbers);
- quarterly balance sheet, income statement, filed by the Tax Office with a note on the implementation of (last month);
- other documents which confirm compliance with the requirements of the Participant.
The list of documents for the contract, which are provided by a successful bidder:
- extract from the charter
- copies of the documents
- Certificate of State Registration of a Legal Entity
- licenses
- the notice from the Federal Tax Service (in the case of a simplified system of taxation)
- extract from Unified State Register of Legal Entities
- Administrative details, company credential, which is certified by the signature of the head and the chief accountant, as well as by the organization’s seal.
All costs during the preparation and submission of bids are paid by bidders themselves. The organizer is not responsible for these costs, and has no obligations, regardless of the process and the results of the tender.
The organizer is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all information received from bidders.
An agreement with the probability of further prolongation will be signed with the winner of the tender, in the case of positive assessment of the mutually beneficial cooperation.
Please, contact the Chief Specialist of the Procurement Department of SNK (write employee and phone number) if you have question on carrying and participating in the tender.