Killing of Oil Wells
"SNK" LLC is a diverse company that provides services to enhance oil recovery, produces killing oil wells, chemical cleaning of bottom-hole zone.
Killing of oil wells is the termination of fluid flowing from the well with the help of fluid injection intended for such work. This is due to an artificial increase of the bottom-hole pressure to the level higher than the reservoir pressure. These activities require a special approach, due to the need of liquids for repair works, necessary for the preservation of properties in the reservoir in the bottom-hole zone.
Killing of oil well, with a rational fluid choice, prevents some complications, such as absorption of fluids in the producing reservoir, and a decrease in productivity of wells after repair. Work on the well killing is often carried out with salting liquid and brine water, which tend to form viscous stable oil-water emulsions, which prevent a large number of shortcomings of water-based liquids.
Oil recovery (the ratio of crude oil to its geological reserves) is the height of the oil from the producing horizontal well displaced by gas or water, influenced by reservoir energy.
"SNK" LLC performs high efficiency works with injection of fluids into reservoir that allows increasing the final recovery factor of reservoirs:
- ВДПС, ГОС-1 and sedimentogenesis technologies;
- ВУС, ГОС – polymer technologies;
- thermo tropic technology;
- emulsion technique;
- silicate-polymer technology and other services.
Bottom-hole zone treatment is carried out with various methods of well killing, and one of them is a wave method. Productivity of productive well is increased, as well as the injective capacity of injection wells. Improvement of reservoir properties allowed enhancing oil recovery for about 5-10%, with a success rate of 95%.
This type of works include:
- BHT of injection and production wells;
- Technological BHT in preparatory and final activities during fracturing;
- BHT before installation and insulation works;
- Acid BHT of wells that come out of drilling.